City Board 3SEP2019: City 2019-2020 budget
The New Albany Board of Aldermen got a look at the City 2019-2020 budget proposal at their regular Tuesday, Sept. 3, meeting.
Although a public hearing on the budget was the top item on the board’s agenda, it was clear that at least some aldermen were seeing the proposed budget for the first time. The board agreed to hold another hearing on the budget for the coming fiscal year at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 5:30 p.m. at the city hall. The meeting will be open to the public.
The City 2019-2020 budget anticipates city revenue of $7,099,724 for the coming year, an increase of about 2.75 percent over the current year’s city budget.
The city-generated document showing details of planned city revenue and expenses for the 2019-2020 fiscal year is attached at the bottom of this article.
In other business Tuesday evening, the board heard from Bob Barber of the Orion Group, which has a contract to do planning and a major revision of the city’s building codes. Barber said a number of planning meetings had been held and research has been done on the project by the Orion Group. Barber said, “We are working on the draft of the plan now.”
New Albany Police Department (NAPD) Chief Chris Robertson recommended to the board that Will Cherry be hired as a full time police officer. Cherry will replace former NAPD officer Brock White, who resigned.
On a motion by Alderman-at-Large Keith Conlee, the board unanimously approved Wren Nelson as a new member of the school board for the city school district.
Brenda McGaha, representing the U.S. Census Bureau, asked the board to appoint what she called a “Complete Count Committee” to help with the 2020 U.S. Census. The board took no action on McGaha’s request.
Again, the board will hold a public hearing on the City 2019-2020 budget at its regular meeting room at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10.
NOTE: To see 2019-2020 Budget, select 2019-2020 Budget tab at top of document: City Budget 2019-2020